Intuition and….. Voting/Politics
There is a lot going on this week and if you are feeling out of sorts and don’t know why, here are some intuitive explanations that may resonate with you.
As well as being the start of a new month with the New Moon this Friday, there is all the extra noise that goes with the general election.
The vibes around the New Moon are that of the waning moon before it starts to wax again. So if you feel low in physical energy right now, especially women, it is because your energy centre are aligned to the moon cycles. Once the weekend comes round, you will start to feel your physically energy increasing again. So if you feel like you are waning right now, you are not imagining it, you are reacting intuitively to the moon cycles..
On top of that (I know, we’re having a heck of a time right now), the general election evokes and triggers vibrational frequencies of times gone by. Old energies arising are those of the Women’s Suffrage movement in the UK, as well as others around the world. That vibrational frequency is one of conflict, a demand of rights for women and particularly the right to vote. Whilst women now have this right, the expectation of the right to equality still continues. Whether we realise this or not, we are all impacted by this ancestral history. Some of you may even have the history in your DNA if your ancestors were part of this conflict. We carry this to the present day. And that is the intuitive connection. We carry this ancestry.
This ancestry applies to men too, but in a slightly different way. Even for those men who believe in equal rights for women and are advocates for that, they may have ancestry in their male ancestral line of men who did not believe women should have the vote. So if your menfolk around are feeling more conflicted than usual about the election, or even just generally and they do not know why, this could explain it.
The balancing and understanding of our everyday lives with intuition is what helps us to feel intuitively empowered. It stops the second-guessing, doubt and conflict. It is an empowering way to live. Embracing intuition to integrate it with our everyday life.
For me, voting is not a political action or choice. It is a time for me to honour the women who went before me, so that I have this right. I always vote. Even when I worked overseas for a time, I had a postal vote. If you choose to vote this election day, as you do so, take a moment to offer gratitude to those women who made this happen for us. As you make your mark on the ballot paper why not say this little mantra (of course, say it in your head so no-one thinks you are a witch) and fill in your own blank:
To all those who went before so I have this right to vote, thank you. To those I am voting for, I wish for………
Voting is an act of co-creating. Co-creating is the term I use for manifesting. It is a co-creation by a collective of people. So, if you vote this week, I encourage you do so with soulful intuition and meaning.
If you feel like some soulful support at this end of this big week, you are invited to join me this Friday 5th July at 7.30pm as I host The Intuition Circle. See below for more information and sign up.