To resolve an argument or conflict requires just one person to have the courage to say, enough.
Enough of the violent words, the violent actions and enough to feeling violence and hatred in our hearts.
Creating a way for peace to prevail, to allow people to live without fear and to live from their heart and soul benefits all.
Creating ways for arguments and conflicts to prevail, benefits no-one.
Humans are misguided when it comes to taking sides. You or me. Us or them. Taking sides based on the disparity in beliefs, values. Unable to bear the courage and love it takes to honour another human who is different to you.
Enough says the Divine Feminine and Divine Maleness.
Enough says Mother Earth.
Enough say the people of the world who want peace.
Who is the person who has the courage to say, enough?
Who is the person who has the courage to say, it is time for peace to prevail?
We are all that person. In our own way and in our own part of the world, we can each say, enough.
19th August 2024